About Perranporth Gardens Charities

The Charity manages the Railway Walk, Bowling Green, Boating Lake, Clock Garden, Willow Garden, and seafront Car Park including the Promenade.

The car park is chargeable 24/7 all year round. The income from the carpark runs all the Charities' Estates and enables us to have the toilets open all year round free of charge.

Perranporth Gardens Charities hire Beach Wheelchairs to the public for use on the sand and in shallow water. These wheelchairs will give people who cannot normally enjoy the beach a sense of freedom and pleasure.

The Club is situated at the end of the Boating Lake in Perranporth. We play lawn bowls.

Due to the Geese droppings some days putting is unavailable. As soon as they flown we will be open as usual.

The Promenade Room above the public conveniences in the seafront car park is available to rent for events, classes, and meetings. There are Yoga classes and Health Fitness classes weekly please see the notice board in the carpark by the entrance to the promenade room for times and days. (Some may not run in the summer holidays).

The Boats will be out from the 15th July 2023 for the summer.